June 22, 2016 14:35

A notice to “Ray Light” Ltd

Despite numerous attempts of GNCC, the Commission was unable to deliver Commission’s №344/23 decision of June 2, 2016 related to launching of public administrative proceedings in order to cancel the authorizations of “Ray Light” Ltd, “Imer TV” Ltd, “TV XXI+” Ltd, "Economists and Entrepreneurs Fund” Ltd, “Music Box Georgia” Ltd” TV-Company Kutaisi “Ltd ”Neverland TV” Ltd and of physical entities Sophio Kuchava and Hamlet Gegia. Above-noted documents are published in the legal acts of Commission’s official web-site. With a regard to above noted, the Commission’s №344/23 decision of June 2, 2016, sent to “Ray of Light” Ltd, is once again publically published in the press releases section.  

In regard to launching public administrative proceedings upon “Imer TV” Ltd, “Ray of Light” Ltd, “TV XXI+” Ltd, "Economists and Entrepreneurs Fund” Ltd, “Music Box Georgia” Ltd” TV-Company Kutaisi “ Ltd” Neverland TV” Ltd and of physical entities Sophio Kuchava and Hamlet Gegia:

Georgian National Communications Commission (hereafter the Commission) notes, that in accordance with the Paragraph 2 of Article 70 of the Georgian law “on Broadcasting,” only the Commission can supervise and control the conformity of the activities of a broadcaster with legislation of Georgia, except supervision and control carried out by tax and law enforcement agencies within the scope of their competence. Also, in accordance with sub-paragraph c) of Paragraph 3 of Article 5 of the Georgian law “on broadcasting,” the functions of the Commission are to define license conditions, issue, modify, suspend, renew and revoke licenses, supervising and control of requirements of Georgian legislation and authorization terms and conditions in the sphere of broadcasting.

In accordance with the sub-paragraph b) of Paragraph 11 of Article 451 of the Georgian law “on Broadcasting,” the Commission is entitled to suspend authorization on its own iniative provided that, for more than one year, the authorized person:


a) has not conducted the authorized activity;

b) has not furnished GNCC with calculations of the regulation fee or furnished with a zero calculation;

c) has not paid the regulation fee.

On April 5, 2016, the stuff report (№10/3157-16) of informational-analytical department including the list of those persons authorized in the field of broadcasting was handed over to an administrative department(Annex №1) who do not furnish the Commission with calculations of the regulation fee or furnish only with zero calculations.

According from stuff reports received from broadcasting regulation and financial departments (№10/3674-16, 20.04.16 and №10/3342-16, 12.04.16) it has been more than a year since:


a) the following authorized persons do not conduct authorized activities, fail to pay regulation fee and do not furnish the Commission with calculations of the regulation fee:


1. Physical entity Sophio Kuchava;

2. “Imer TV” Ltd;

3.” Ray Light” Ltd;

4. „TV XXI+“Ltd;

5.  Physical entity Hamlet Gegia.

b) the following authorized persons do not conduct authorized activities, fail to pay regulation fee and furnish the Commission with furnish zero calculations:


1. "Economists and Entrepreneurs Fund” Ltd;

2. “Music Box Georgia” Ltd;

3. “TV-Company Kutaisi “Ltd;

4. “Neverland TV” Ltd.


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