July 31, 2015 15:15

„The Center for Human Rights“ has sued TV Company “Tabula”

GNCC has begun proceedings based on a complaint submitted by non-governmental organization “Center for Human Rights” against NNLP “Civic Development Fund”-also known as “Tabula”

Non-governmental organization “Center for Human Rights,” carries out women's and juvenile prison monitoring in Georgia with a support from Bulgarian embassy. The organization works to raise awareness of prisoners and their family members and provides legal aid in regard to their rights.

“The Center for Human Rights,” in order to promote the project, has prepared an ad video under the social advertisement status and has asked several broadcasters to place it in their broadcasting nets. TV Company “Tabula” has refused to place an ad since they considered, that it advertised the activities of NGO. As for an organization, they believe that their activities are aimed towards the promotion of public welfare and charitable purposes and have submitted complaint to the Commission based on these grounds.

GNCC has begun proceedings based on a complaint submitted by non-governmental organization “Center for Human Rights” against NNLP “Civic Development Fund”-also known as “Tabula.” The public hearing of an issue is scheduled for August 13,2015,at 4 pm.


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