August 10, 2011

Administrative Proceedings Because of not Submitting the Information


The Georgian National Communications Commission considered the item of imposing sanctions on four regional broadcasters in the framework of administrative proceedings. Three broadcasters Tanamgzavri, 5th Channel and Trialeti were given a warning, but towards Television and Radio Press Company Zari administrative proceedings were dismissed.

A letter was sent on June 2, 2011 to broadcasters by which the Georgian National Communications Commission charged the broadcasting license holders with submitting CD/DVD recordings of last month programmes to the Commission in accordance with article 49 of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting. The above-mentioned broadcasters submitted the requested information incompletely or belatedly, or not submitted at all.

The representatives of four regional broadcasters attended the session held at GNCC. They were given a possibility to express their positions. After examining the proofs the Georgian National Communications Commission took a decision to give a warning to Trialeti Ltd, 5th Channel Ltd and Trialeti Ltd. As for Television and Radio Press Company Zari Ltd administrative proceedings were dismissed because of the absence of violation.


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