June 28, 2016 10:52

An administrative proceeding against “Geocell” Ltd launched based on a complaint submitted by a subscriber has ended with an agreement

Formal administrative proceeding against “Geocell” Ltd launched at GNCC based on a complaint submitted by the subscriber T.S has ended with an agreement.

The case evidence has revealed, that subscriber T.S has signed a contract with “Geocell” Ltd from May 27, 2010. Starting March 26, 2012, “Geocell” Ltd has made changes according to which, in case “Lai Lai” subscriber would not deposit amount within 150 days from the date of the last deposit on his account number, company automatically cancels an agreement. Subscriber T.S has received the information regarding expected term changes via text message on March 10, 2012. According to “Geocell” Ltd, the last time subscriber deposited amount at his number was on November 27, 2015, and for that reason, without any additional information, after 151st day since the last deposit of the amount – on July 30, 2015, an agreement has been automatically cancelled.

The request of a subscriber was to re-establish cancelled number or to be offered with an alternative subscriber number. During the process of formal administrative proceedings, “Geocell” Ltd has offered subscriber a new alternative number which was accepted by a party and case has ended with an agreement.

Consumer Rights Public Defender’s office under GNCC considered, that “Geocell” Ltd, prior to limiting or cancelling its services, was unable to present to the Commission proof regarding company’s obligation to inform subscriber in advance which is defined by Commission decision N3 of March 17, 2016 on regulations on Service Provision and Consumers Rights Protection in the Field of Electronic Communications. “Geocell” Ltd has been notified, that despite the cancellation of formal administrative proceedings, company has an obligation to implement effective system for subscribers Individual delivery notifications. 


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