July 08, 2011

Broadcaster has been Imposed Sanctions for not Submitting the Information


The Georgian National Communications Commission imposed sanctions on the non-entrepreneurial non-commercial legal entity “Economists and Entrepreneurs Fund” i.e. ”myvideotv.ge” at the session held today. The company was given a warning for violation of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting.

With the Resolution of March 12, 2009 the Georgian National Communications Commission approved the Code of Conduct for Broadcasters. According to the Code all broadcasters operating in Georgia had an obligation to establish effective mechanism of self-regulation, which would enable all interested parties to consider complaints against broadcasters impartially. In accordance with the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting the broadcaster is obligated within 15 days to submit the requested information about fulfillment of requirements of the Code of Conduct to the Commission.

 The Georgian National Communications Commission applied to the “Economists and Entrepreneurs Fund” for the mentioned information on May 31, 2011, but no reply has been received to date. The party submitted the requested information at the session and admitted the violation.

After examining the submitted information the Georgian National Communications Commission made a decision to impose sanctions on the “Economists and Entrepreneurs Fund”.


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