April 20, 2012

Caucasus Online Ltd Received Permit for the Use of Numbering Resource

The Georgian National Communications Commission issued a permit for the use of numbering resource on the basis of a request of Caucasus Online Ltd at the session held today.

The company applied for the numbering resource permit to provide the intellectual networks (value added) service and to identify the terminal equipments of subscribers of these networks.  

By the Commission’s Decision Caucasus Online Ltd received the following permit:

Numbering resource: from 900 000 060 to 900 000 089 (thirty subscriber numbers) to provide intellectual networks service, value added (in addition to charity service, service for adults and automated interactive service) service and to identify the terminal equipments of subscribers of these networks, for authorized activities.

For the complete version of the Decision, please visit the page of Decisions on the Commission’s website.


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