July 03, 2020 9:57

COMCOM to implement Media Literacy Projects together with the Business and Technology University

The Communications Commission will start implementing media literacy projects together with the Business and Technology University (BTU) starting from the new academic year. International experts will be involved in organizing joint sessions, conferences and competitions and devising recommendations for improving the new syllabus and various other areas of media literacy.

Together with academic personnel from BTU, the Commission will hold seminars and training sessions to develop media literacy, critical and creative thinking skills. The educational sessions will help students distinguish real information from fake news. Students will also take part in the media literacy competition “Truth or Fiction?” At the next stage of the process, they will be involved in implementing the educational component in schools.

Through COMCOM’s media literacy project “Media Economics,” students will learn about the latest international approaches to media economics. As part of this project, they will be working simultaneously in the fields of education and start-ups.

The cooperation agreement between COMCOM and the Business and Technology University was signed by COMCOM member Vakhtang Abashidze and the Rector of BTU Nino Enukidze. As part of the cooperation, BTU university professors and academic personnel will have access to the online media literacy platform where they will have the possibility to learn about media literacy projects implemented internationally and familiarise themselves with new learning resources. They will also have the possibility to place their own educational materials on the online platform.

COMCOM and the Georgian Ministry of Education will start implementing media literacy projects for students and academic personnel starting from the new academic year. To this end, the commission has already signed cooperation agreements with the Tbilisi State University. The next stage of the media literacy development process will see similar agreements being signed with other private and state universities.


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