September 25, 2012

Commission Commences Research of Broadband Internet Service


The Georgian National Communications Commission announced a tender for monitoring of quality of fixed broadband Internet service.

The Georgian National Communications Commission decided to commence broadband Internet market research because of discontent spread in society towards Internet providers. On the official page of the Commission – Facebook and at Consumers’ Rights Public Defender Service existing at the Commission there were frequent complaints of subscribers discontented with the quality of Internet providers service and tariffs set for this service.  That is why the Commission decided to announce international tender. Research of quality of broadband Internet service in Georgia will be conducted by the company with appropriate experience and qualification.

Research will be conducted in three cities of Georgia: Tbilisi, Batumi and Kutaisi. Subscribers of Internet providers Caucasus Online, Silknet and Akhali Kselebi will be monitored. In case of need it will be possible to make changes to the research towns and the list of Internet providers during the research process. Duration of the project is three years.

Within the framework of three-year project, on each stage, the Commission will continue informing the society about the broadband Internet market monitoring process in Georgia.



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