July 29, 2016 12:38

Commission has reviewed a complaint submitted by “GYLA” against “Studio Maestro” Ltd

GNCC has reviewed a complaint submitted by “GYLA” against “Studio Maestro” Ltd.

“GYLA”, on June 8 of the current year, has addressed TV Company “Maestro” in a written with a request for the placement of a social advertisement. Ad was aiming to inform society about problems related to an early age marriage. In accordance with the Georgian law “on Broadcasting,” broadcaster for the purpose to air the social ad presented, is obligated to devote in three hours at least total of 90 seconds free of charge and without any discrimination.

NGO has received a denial from TV Company “Maestro” regarding the placement of a social ad and has addressed the Commission to study an issue mentioned. An organization was demanding an issuance of a written warning, definition of the rule of the placement of social ad in accordance with the Georgian law “on Broadcasting” and an obligation of the placement of the ad as well.

After an actual review of an issue, GNCC has determined, that disputed video satisfied all the requirements of a social ad established by the law and TV Company “Maestro” was obligated to place an above-mentioned video ad in accordance with the rules defined by the law.

In accordance with the Commission’s decision, “Studio Maestro” has been assigned to air an ad produced by “GYLA.” At the same time, the Commission used its discretion set forth in the Georgian law “on Broadcasting” and hasn’t issued a written warning on TV Company. In accordance with the law, the Commission holds an authority to issue a sanction in case of a proof of a breach of the legislation or in case of non-fulfillment of the Commission’s decision, as well as, in cases of the violations of licensing/authorization terms and conditions by a broadcaster. The purpose of broadcaster’s sanctioning is to serve elimination and prevention of the violation. 


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