July 06, 2016 14:09

Commission launched administrative proceedings based on a complaint submitted by NGO” Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association” against “Studio Maestro” Ltd

NGO “Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association” has addressed GNCC with a complaint against “Studio Maestro” Ltd.

GYLA has addressed TV Company “Maestro” with a request for placement of a social advertisement on July 8 of the current year. Video aimed to inform the society reflecting a problem related to an early age marriage. In accordance with the Georgian law “on Broadcasting” broadcaster is obligated to devote free of charge and without any discrimination 3 hours for a total of at least 90 seconds for the purpose to air a social ad. 

NGO has received a denial of TV Company “Maestro” in relation to the placement of a social ad.

The Commission has been addressed by GYLA with a request to study an issue. The company demands a written warning to be issued on TV Company, an explanation of the rule of placement of social ad in accordance with the Georgian law “on Broadcasting” and an obligation of the airing of the social ad.

Public hearing session of an issue where Commission’s conclusion regarding the status of an ad will be published and where parties of dispute and other interested persons will have an opportunity to present their arguments is scheduled for July 21, 2016, at 3 pm. The Commission’s decision will become public within 10 days after the session.


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