February 13, 2014

Commission Makes Changes to Subscriber Number Portability Charter


The Georgian National Communications Commission Makes Changes to Subscriber Number Portability Charter.

According to the planned changes to the Charter, all numbering resource holder companies, which carry out phone service, will pay number portability fee according to each active subscriber. Active subscriber is considered a subscriber, by number of which any kind of activity will be carried out during calculation period. For example, a call was made just once or short message will be sent.

By the old version of the Charter, all phone service provider companies paid number portability fee according to the existing numbering resource amount they owned. The current rate adds up to 0.30 euro a year per each subscriber number.

According to the planned changes number portability fee is reduced significantly for all fixed and mobile network operators. Although number portability service fee will be paid fully by service provider companies and this service is free for users, any expenses borne by operators will be reflected in retail tariff proposed to consumer.



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