August 04, 2016 15:34

Commission releases statement due to the frequent use of the language of hatred

GNCC draws its attention on increasing number of cases of hate speech aired by television and addresses broadcasters, as well as the participants of social-political programs to abide the legal and ethical norms.

In past days, following 2 facts have been detected in the broadcasting space:

An anchor of the program “Political Night” placed in the broadcasting net of NNLE “Media Union Obieqtivi” Valery Kvaratkhelia has stated: I shall cut off your tongues off with a sickle… and rupture those stupid heads with a hammer…”

 During the clash through the air of TV Compani “Pirweli,” one of the respondent has addressed his/her opponent in following way: “… I shall perforate your forehead you garbage, do not make me break your face…”

 GNCC reminds broadcasters, that in accordance with Article 56 of the Georgian law on “Broadcasting,” Broadcasting programs containing the apparent and direct hazard of inciting racial, ethnic, religious or other hatred in any form and encouraging discrimination or violence toward any group, is prohibited.

In order to ensure freedom of media, in accordance with Georgian legislation, nor GNCC or the court have an authority to review issues related to the editorial independence, only broadcaster’s self-regulatory body holds such a prerogative. The Commission considers, that current legislation along with a freedom, imposes great responsibility towards society on broadcasters. Therefore, the Commission addresses them and as well as public representatives to abide the legal and ethical norms, do not allow the promotion of hate speech during the coverage of current events (especially, during the pre-election period) and to guide by the principles of fairness and impartiality.

In addition, it should be noted, that an anchor of the program “Political Night” Mr. Valery Kvaratskhelia represents the chairman of election subject registered by the Georgian Central Election Commission under “Kvaratskhelia-Socialists.”The Commission addresses NNLE “Media Union Obieqtivi” that in accordance with the current legislation, in particular, according to “Code of Conduct for Broadcasters,” participation of an official or a member of political party, in the form of an anchor, interviewer or journalist in news or social-political programs, is prohibited. 


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