September 13, 2016 15:40

Commission was visited by the delegation of Poland’s Electronic Communications Office

GNCC, within the scope of a memorandum signed between the parties, was visited by the delegation of Poland’s Electronic Communications Office.

Within the scope of three day visit, representatives of Poland’s Electronic Communications Office from various departments – monitoring, radio frequency governance, legal issues, broadband projects and telecommunications market research will share their experience to their Georgian colleagues. Following to be discussed at the meetings: an open access to the network on different segments of electronic communications market, as well as, the supervision and merger - consolidation and research-analysis production methodology of the same markets, issues related to the protection of consumer interests and an electronic system in order to carry out electronic auctions.     

Based on bilateral co-operation, Polish side fully finances visits of GNCC’s staff members to Poland’s Electronic Communications Office. Three business trips have been already planned by the end of this year -one of the practical experience and two educational tours. In particular:

Practical experience Tour theme:

  • Certification, market supervision – provision of market supervision in Europe – experience exchange, EU model;
  • Elaboration of the market supervision national program – experience exchange;
  • Market supervision in terms of the protection of consumer interests.

Educational tour themes:

  • Analytical reviews of market development;
  • Principles of positioning of mobile terminals through the networks of different operators,  realization of emergency services;
  •  Use of 700MHz frequency bands and future requirements;
  • Aspects of DVB monitoring, SFN synchronization and other technical issues;
  • Realization of technologies in LTE duplex gap;
  • Digital FM  - provision and technical aspects;  
  • Provision of DAB and  DVB-H methodologies in 174-740 MHz bands;
  • Sharing of UKE’s experiences in terms of competition promotion;
  • Ensuring access to electronic communications services for disabled (availability of terminal equipment, to define necessities for disabled end-users etc.)

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