June 11, 2019 16:32

Communications Commission calls on Magticom to ensure that Magtifix Subscribers are not left without Service

The Communications Commission has issued a statement regarding the expiry of Magticom’s CDMA license on 17 June. After the expiry of the license, the company will no longer be able to provide customers with the Magtifix service. Over the last two months, the Commission has acted in the best interests of the subscribers by offering the company numerous concessions and various solutions for extending the license. However, Magticom has so far rejected all proposals presented by the Commission. 

As it is very important to ensure that all Georgians have unrestricted access to telephone services, the Commission has offered Magticom favourable terms to extend the company’s CDMA license. Nevertheless, the company has rejected our offers, stating that this service is not profitable for them.  

We believe that termination of the Magtifix service will be particularly problematic for subscribers residing in the occupied territories, villages near state borders and mountainous regions. It is critically important to ensure that Magtifix users in the aforementioned areas are not left without access to telephone communication services. To this end, the operator has two choices: to accept the offers of the Commission or two provide subscribers with an alternative communication service in a short space of time without raising prices. 

To ensure that nobody loses access to telecommunication services, subscribers must contact Magticom and demand provision of an alternative service. On its part, Magticom, as one of the major players on the market, must approach this issue more responsibly, take the circumstances in the occupied territories, villages near state borders and mountainous regions into account and consider the offer made by the Commission.


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