May 15, 2019 12:00

Communications Commission Holds an International Conference on the Subject of Challenges in the Electronic Communications Industry

The Georgian National Communications Commission organised a two-day conference in Tbilisi involving regulators of electronic communications from the Eastern Partnership (EaPeReg) and European Union (BEREC) countries. This was the first time that the heads of 19 European regulatory commissions met in Georgia. The two-day meeting discussed the existing challenges in the field of electronic communications, as well as plans for the future. The conference was attended by the Vice Chair of BEREC Jeremy Godfrey.

Conference participants discussed the strategy for implementing the 5G mobile internet technology, regulations for issuing licenses and holding auctions, as well as future plans. The issue of 5G is very important for Georgia. This is a new technology which Georgia plans to implement together with leading European countries. It holds leading positions in this regard.

The Communications Commission shared its experience in developing and implementing internet quality control with representatives from EaPeReg.

EaPeReg member countries include Georgia, Austria, Germany, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Hungary, Sweden, Czech Republic, Croatia, Macedonia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia and Ukraine. The goal of the organisation is to eliminate discrepancies in the field of electronic communications between the EU and Eastern Partnership countries and achieve European integration.

EaPeReg was established in 2012. To date, the organisation has implemented numerous important steps as a result of the work conducted by its member states. In 2020, Eastern Partnership countries will sign a regional agreement that will reduce roaming service tariffs between member countries. At the same time, negotiations will take place with the EU member states about the possibility of reducing roaming charges.

The goal of the network is to develop the electronic communications sector in partner states.



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