October 25, 2020 15:37

Communications Commission rejects the Complaint submitted by the Alliance of Patriots

The Communications Commission has rejected the complaint submitted by the political union Alliance of Patriots against Imedi TV. The case concerns a paid political advert produced by the Alliance of Patriots that contains a public opinion poll.

The public opinion poll presented in the video clip does not contain full information and does not comply with the legislative requirements. Specifically, the advert does not specify margins of error. As the public opinion poll was not used in accordance with the Election Code of Georgia, the Communications Commission took the decision at today’s meeting to reject the complaint submitted by the political union Alliance of Patriots against Imedi TV.

Based on the changes made to the Election Code of Georgia in accordance with the recommendations of OSCE/ODIHR, the Communications Commission shall consider the issue of drawing up a protocol on an administrative offence and make a decision at a public session within 2 days after the identification of the administrative offence. Therefore, to ensure a swift response to the aforementioned issue, the Commission held the public meeting today, on a non-working day.


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