June 20, 2011

Five-year Dispute Between Akhali Kselebi Ltd and JSC Silknet Has Been Settled


Five-year dispute between Akhali Kselebi Ltd and JSC Silknet has been settled. The parties presented the act of agreement at the session held at the Georgian National Communications Commission.

The dispute between Akhali Kselebi Ltd and JSC United Telecommunications Company of Georgia began in 2006. JSC United Telecommunications Company of Georgia has been renamed twice since then, first it was named United Telecom, and nowadays the company operates on telecom market as JSC Silknet. The object for dispute for five years was the copper telephone cable of Akhali Kselebi Ltd, which is put into the canalization of JSC Silknet. Akhali Kselebi Ltd requested from JSC Silknet to withdraw the cable from the canalization of JSC Silknet.

Eleven-paragraph document of agreement was signed by the General Director of Akhali Kselebi Ltd, Avtandil Iashvili and the General Director of JSC Silknet, Giorgi Gugunishvili. The document consists of three copies of the same validity. One copy is presented to the Georgian National Communications Commission.

The rights and responsibilities of the parties are clearly defined in the document. On the one hand, JSC Siknet undertakes an obligation to allow Akhali Kselebi Ltd to dismantle its own cable, and on the other hand, Akhali Kselebi Ltd will cover all expenses related to the procedure. The parties also agree not to dispute on the above-mentioned matter anymore. The Georgian National Communications Commission will control the fulfillment of the terms defined by the document.

The Georgian National Communications Commission was actively involved in the process of the dispute at every stage. We believe that coming to an agreement is the best result for both parties.


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