July 05, 2011

Georgian National Communications Commission Participated in the Conference Organized by the European Commission


The Georgian National Communications Commission participated in the Conference organized by the member states of the European Commission and the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania. The conference was held in Lithuania, in the city Trakai. Apart from the regulatory authorities of the member states of the European Union, partner countries of the Eastern Europe, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine participated in the Conference.

The following issues were discussed within the framework of the two-day Conference: independence of regulatory authorities, universal service, licensing issues in EU, implementation of subscriber number portability, quality of Internet service and defense of consumers’ rights. The Georgian National Communications Commission made a presentation about “current and planned regulatory activities” in Georgia within the framework of the Conference.

The participant countries agreed to form a united group of the countries of the European Commission and the Eastern Europe till the end of 2011, which will work to adopt a regulatory declaration. The document will facilitate the providing of electronic communications service of high quality and will have positive effect on the investment environment in the field of telecommunications.


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