July 05, 2013

Global Symposium for Regulators 2013 Held in Warsaw

The delegation of the Georgian National Communications Commission under the guidance of Karlo Kvitaishvili, Chairman of the Commission, attended the Global Symposium for Regulators.

The Global Symposium (The 13th GSR) organized by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is held for the 13th times this year. The title of the Symposium is “4th Generation Regulation: driving digital communications ahead”.

Within the framework of the conference, Karlo Kvitaishvili, Chairman of the Georgian National Communications Commission, and Raul Kulari, Chairman of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) signed the Memorandum of mutual cooperation. The parties emphasized the importance of tight cooperation and exchanging experiences between the regulatory authorities.

Within the framework of the official visit, Karlo Kvitaishvili held a meeting with Fatima Barros, President of Portugal’s Regulatory Authority (ANACOM). In 2011 the Georgian National Communications Commission signed the Memorandum of Cooperation with the Regulatory Authority of Portugal. At the meeting the parties discussed the plan of implementation of mutual cooperation project.

The Georgian delegation under the guidance of Karlo Kvitaishvili held a meeting with Magdalena Gaj, President of the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) of Poland. The parties discussed study and working visits within the framework of current mutual cooperation project. Within the four-day Symposium the delegation of the Commission also held meetings with representatives of regulatory authorities of Azerbaijan, Lithuania and Moldova. The parties discussed perspectives of mutual cooperation in view of Eastern Partnership (EaP) project as well as business-like and friendly cooperation between the countries.

Today the closed breakfast for Heads of Regulatory Authorities was hosted by Brahima Sanou, Director of the International Telecommunications Union Development Sector (ITU-D). Attendees talked about the development of information and communication technologies and importance of big data. They also discussed the role of regulators in the big data regulation process and challenges for consumer protection. The Symposium is held every year in different countries. This time Heads of the world’s regulatory authorities visited the capital of Poland. Next year they will visit Bahrain.


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