March 19, 2020 18:08

Kakha Bekauri: “Companies must do everything to Offer People Concessions for Telecommunications Services”

The Georgian National Communications Commission has called on mobile communications companies to start working at full capacity. GNCC Chairman Kakha Bekauri stated that companies must mobilise all their resources to ensure that telecommunications infrastructure is operating properly and smoothly in the current environment. According to Mr. Bekauri, it is also important that companies help the population during the times of crisis and offer certain concessions for their services.

“In the current situation, critical services and infrastructure such as telecommunications services must operate in a special mode to ensure that we help the population and offer them certain concessions. We must all work together and look after each other for the next 2-3 months. On our part, we must see what we can do in our sector to avoid problems and ensure that the public receives telecommunications services smoothly,” Mr. Bekauri stated.

GNCC is of the opinion that in the current environment, Magticom should voluntarily drop the plans to abolish its GEL 25 unlimited package, as now is not the best time to think about increasing the rates.

“Such issues should not be on the agenda at all right now. I call on the company to switch to full working mode instead of discussing the possibility of raising the price of telecom packages. This particular product has been on the market for many years, and the population is used to it. That is GNCC’s position, and now Magticom must make a move. I do not believe that anything would prevent the company from putting its plans on hold. That is what they should do right now, and instead devote the next week to making certain changes and corrections based on the current situation. GNCC is ready to work with companies on a daily basis, and we are waiting for a positive response from them,” GNCC chairman stated.


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