June 16, 2015 12:56

The Commission has issued written warning upon “Geocell” and “Beeline”

GNCC has issued written warnings upon “Geocell” Ltd and “Mobitel” Ltd (Beeline).

Both companies have issued their mobile subscriber numbers to the consumers without any written contracts. In accordance with the regulations “on the Rules of Provision of Services and Protection of Consumer Rights in the Sphere of Electronic Communications,” the electronic communications service provider company is required to sign a written agreement with the consumer.

This specific circumstance became known to the Commission after so-called “Fraud System” (the system to combat fraud) monitoring was carried out at “Magticom.” The monitoring revealed, that with the subscriber numbers of “Mobitel” Ltd (Beeline) and “Geocell” Ltd in the network of “Magticom,” assumingly, by means of so-called “Sim Boxes” an international call has been terminated with a changed local “A” number.

As a result of monitoring, GNCC has requested the signed copies of written agreements of subscriber numbers signed with relevant subscribers from “Geocell” and “Mobitel.”

It is true, that “Geocell” has presented 56 out of 59 copies of signed written subscriber agreements, however, the private numbers of the citizens displayed in the agreements could not be found in the public register. As for “Mobitel” Ltd, the company has informed the Commission that they were not able to present written copies of the agreements signed with subscribers.

Based on above-noted, GNCC has considered that “Geocell” and “Mobitel have violated Article 105 of the regulations “on the Rules of Provision of Services and Protection of Consumer Rights in the Sphere of Electronic Communications.”


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