December 21, 2015 11:32

The Commission has imposed sanctions on several authorized entities due to the failure to present information

GNCC has imposed sanctions on several authorized entities due to the failure to submit regulation fee calculations and forms of statistical reports. 

“CTV” Ltd – an entity, authorized to broadcast, has not submitted forms of statistical reports to the Commission for several months as well as the regulation fee calculations.  The company has already received written warning due to similar violations, therefore, this time, it has been sanctioned to pay the fine in the amount of 3000 Gel.

“PRONET” Ltd is an authorized entity on WIFI technological services in Chkhorotsku. The company has not submitted forms of statistical reports as well as regulation fee calculations for several months, therefore, it has been imposed with a written warning.  

Both companies were given 10 working days in order to fully submit information to the Commission.


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