June 17, 2015 11:45

The Commission has announced an international tender

GNCC has announced an international tender in order to develop „LRIC“ interconnection tariff models and consulting services for mobile and fixed networks based on future-oriented, long-term incremental costs.   

The model of (LRIC) based on future-oriented, long-term incremental costs is widely used by the regulatory bodies throughout Europe to determine cost-oriented tariffs. The use of this specific model provides more efficient provision of competitive environment.

The winning bidder must develop the model of the calculation of tariffs for mobile and fixed networks based on future-oriented, long-term incremental costs within a period of 6 months. The operators in the field of electronic communications will be involved during the working process as well.  

The detailed information about an international tender on developing „LRIC“ interconnection tariff models and consulting services for mobile and fixed networks based on future-oriented, long-term incremental costs is available at  the official website of Georgian National Communications Commission (www.gncc.ge) and also, at the official website of the State Procurement Agency (http://procurement.gov.ge/).


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