April 05, 2016 18:12

Commission has stopped reviewing joint application of “Caucasus Online” Ltd and “Mobitel” Ltd (Beeline)

GNCC has cancelled public administrative proceedings that have been launched based on the application of “Caucasus Online” Ltd in regard to review joint application of the companies submitted in relation to the acquisition of retail service segment of “Caucasus Online” Ltd by “Mobitel” Ltd. 

In the statement, “Caucasus Online” Ltd notes, that in accordance to the terms defined in the memorandum of mutual understanding signed with “Magticom” Ltd, the company is cancelling negotiations related to the alienation of assets and/or shares for the provision of retail and corporate services with all other parties, including “Mobitel” Ltd (Beeline), therefore, “Caucasus Online” Ltd is not in need to obtain prior consent for the possible deal with “Mobitel” Ltd (Beeline) from the Commission.

The statement of “Caucasus Online” Ltd also notes, that the acquisition agreement with “Magticom” Ltd is to be signed before May 30, 2016.

GNCC has granted prior consent to “Magticom” Ltd in regard to the acquisition of operational assets owned by “Caucasus Online” Ltd back in November 19, 2015. The Commission has studied the possible impact on competition of relevant market segments in the field of electronic communications in the case of acquisition of operational assets in possession of “Caucasus Online” Ltd by “Magticom” Ltd and has concluded, that such transaction won’t impact the competition of existing market segments of mobile communications broadcasting transit (IPTV) digital telephony (VOIP) and retail internet services.


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