August 31, 2015 16:31

The Commission has launched public administrative proceedings in regard to the application for the purchase of operating assets owned by “Caucasus Online” Ltd by “Magticom” Ltd

GNCC has launched public administrative proceedings for preliminary approval of the application for the purchase of operating assets owned by “Caucasus Online” Ltd by “Magticom” Ltd. The case concerns all those assets owned by “Caucasus Online” Ltd which are used by the company to deliver broadcast transit for the subscribers (IPTV), digital telephony (VOIP) and retail internet services.

In accordance to the General Administrative Code of Georgia, three month period has been defined for the public administrative proceedings. In case of the purchase of the operating assets owned by “Caucasus Online” Ltd by “Magticom” Ltd, the Commission will conduct a study in order to determine possible influence on the competition of relevant segments existing in the field of electronic communications.

Public hearing session is scheduled for November 5, 2015, at 4 pm.


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