January 06, 2016 12:01

Commission has launched public administrative proceedings in order to review the joint application in regard to the purchase of the retail segment services of “Caucasus Online” Ltd by “Mobitel” Ltd

GNCC, based on a joint application of “Mobitel” Ltd and “Caucasus Online” Ltd, has launched public administrative proceedings for the purpose to review the joint application in regard to the purchase of retail segment services of “Caucasus Online” Ltd by “Mobitel” Ltd.

The statement notes, that “Caucasus Online” Ltd plans to divide company into 2 parts: to transfer retail segment services (broadcasting transit (IPTV), digital telephony (VOIP) and retail internet services to “Mobitel” Ltd, and as for the wholesale market segment, into - network infrastructure and backbones, including the continuation to operate Georgia-Bulgaria (Varna-Poti) connecting submarine fiber-optic backbone.

Public hearing session to discuss the issue will be held on February 9, 2016, at 3 pm. The Commission will make a decision within 10 working days after the session. The session is public.


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