September 15, 2015 13:12

The Commission has made a decision in regard to fulfillment of №MUX B and №MUX E license terms and conditions for the use of radio frequency spectrum by “Stereo+”Ltd

The Commission has made a decision in regard to fulfillment of №MUX B and №MUX E license terms and conditions for the use of radio frequency spectrum by “Stereo+” Ltd.

In compliance with license terms and conditions, in order to ensure digital broadcasting, “Stereo+” Ltd - the company owning license for the use of radio frequency spectrum, had to ensure exploitation of №MUX B and №MUX E multiplex platforms by 10 am on August 25, 2015.

Mobile groups of Commission’s Radio Frequency Management Department conducted supervision on the formation of (№MUX B and №MUX E) multiplex platforms from July 2, 2015 through August 31. The monitoring was conducted in compliance with №273 resolution of the Government of Georgia approved on June 17, 2015, according to the analogue terrestrial TV broadcasting step-by-step switch off schedule.

The monitoring revealed, that digital TV transmitting stations are enabled by “Stereo+” Ltd in all 46 areas of the Georgian territory in compliance with license terms. In certain territorial units radio-relay-links do not operate due to technical interference, also, in several units only one transmitter is turned on instead of two and radio-relay-links are organized   unilaterally, from head station to digital TV transmitters, and obtaining information at head station (located in the city of Tbilisi) from digital TV transmitters is not organized as well, which is why the transmitter mode is not controlled automatically, although, work of the transmitters is monitored through telephone messages.

“Stereo+” Ltd has been given two weeks for the identification of above-mentioned technical problems and for presenting the information in a written form to the Commission. At the same time, the mobile group of Commission’s Radio Frequency Management Department  was assigned to identify above-mentioned technical interference within same time period, and in case of discovery - the provision of elimination. Based on these data, if necessary, corresponding changes will be implemented in the Commission’s N224/13 decision made in 2015. Also, “Stereo+”Ltd was assigned to start exploiting traffic automatic control system before December 31, 2015.

After hearing the case, the Commission determined, that the company has fulfilled obligations set forth in paragraph 3 for radio frequency use №MUX B and №MUX E licenses.


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