April 29, 2015 14:08

Under the order of the Government of Georgia, the Commission has begun to investigate an issue about the assistance provided for “GDS TV” by the Ministry of Defense of Georgia

GNCC, under the Decree N882 of April 24, of the Government of Georgia, has begun to investigate an issue in regards to the support of “GDS TV” provided by the Ministry of Defense of Georgia.

In particular, GNCC will investigate whether the fact of assistance provided under Annex N1 of the above-mentioned Decree by the Ministry of Defense of Georgia took place or not, also, will withdraw relevant information specifically, in what type of form does the Ministry of Defense of Georgia is assisting “GDS TV.”

The results of investigation will be published publically.

In accordance with the paragraph 1, Article  661    of the Georgian Law “on Broadcasting,” the funding of the broadcaster by an administrative body, political party, an official or a public servant is prohibited. Also, procurement of its services, preparation of broadcasting programs and/or direct or indirect financing or co-financing.


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