November 05, 2015 21:19

Commission did not make a final decision at today’s session in regard to the purchase of operating assets owned by “Caucasus Online” Ltd by “Magticom” Ltd

GNCC did not make a final decision in regard to the purchase of operating assets owned by “Caucasus Online” Ltd by “Magticom” Ltd at the session held on November 5.

The reason to this was the request of the companies in regard to the partial recognition of information presented to the Commission as trade secret information. The companies believe, that revealing certain information may be harmful to their competitiveness.

The Commission has addressed companies - based on arguments, to justify specifically in which part are these companies requesting the recognition of the information as a trade secret. Also, to specify the list of those assets, which “Magticom” Ltd plans to purchase from “Caucasus Online” Ltd.

The Commission continuous research and discussions in regard to the mentioned issue: how may the possible transaction impact the market, could it be threatening for the effective competition, or could this transaction strengthen “Magticom’s” dominant position.

The Commission has scheduled public hearing session for November 12, 2015, at 3 pm.


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