July 20, 2015 13:25

The reorganization-restructuring study consulting services of the Commission’s office to be carried out by “PMCG.”

„PMCG“ Ltd has won in the contest announced for the procurement of consulting  services to ensure the reorganization-restructuring of the office of GNCC.

For the next 14 weeks, while taking into consideration the mission, objectives and strategic development requirements of the GNCC, the company has to study effectiveness of the current structure, analyze main and auxiliary units of the Commission – the compliance of departmental functions and positional instructions with the objectives of the Commission, also, other regulatory rules including the activities of the Commission’s office and labor relations.

The objective of the procurement of consulting services is also to estimate work rate of the office staff and managers of GNCC, which includes the study of employees’ functional load, and exploration of their skills and opportunities.

The detailed information about the tender announced for the procurement of consulting services in order to ensure Commission’s reorganization-restructuring process is available at the official website of Georgian National Communications Commission (www.gncc.ge) and also, at the official website of the State Procurement Agency (http://procurement.gov.ge/).




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