October 12, 2012

License of TV Company Sakartvelo Handed Over to Civic Education Foundation

The Georgian National Communications Commission gave consent to handover of the license of TV company Sakartvelo Ltd to Civic Education Foundation at the session held on October 12, 2012.

Both parties applied to the Commission for preliminary consent to handover of the license owned by TV company Sakartvelo Ltd. In case of transferring the license to another entity, parties are obliged to get preliminary consent from the Georgian National Communications Commission in accordance with the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting.

In accordance with the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting, before giving preliminary consent to handover of broadcasting license, the Commission is obliged to study that license seeker and/or its beneficiary owners may not be an administrative authority; an official or employee of an administrative authority; a legal entity interdependent with an administrative authority; a political party or its officials; a legal entity registered in the offshore zone; a legal entity shares or stake of which are held directly or indirectly by the entity registered in the offshore zone.

Also the license seeker, in this case Civic Education Foundation, may not hold other private general broadcasting license in the same broadcasting zones.

According to the conclusion made by the Broadcasting Regulation Department of the Commission Civic Education Foundation was fulfilling the legal requirements listed above, that is why by the Commission’s decision the request of TV company Sakartvelo Ltd and Civic Education Foundation on preliminary consent to handover of the broadcasting license was satisfied.

We remind you that TV company Sakartvelo Ltd held three private general broadcasting licenses:

1. Private broadcasting license NB21 – Tbilisi;

2. Private broadcasting license NB91 – Gori, Kutaisi, Sachkhere, Senaki;

3. Private broadcasting license NB99 – Batumi.

For the complete version of the Decision, please visit the page of Decisions on the Commission’s website.


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