March 15, 2015 14:35

March 15 – World Consumer Rights Day

On March 15, 2015, Consumer Rights Public Defender’s office based under GNCC held a press-conference due to the World Consumer Rights Day occasion.

An objective of Consumer Rights Public Defender’s office is to protect consumer’s legal rights and interests in the field of broadcasting and electronic communications.

Communications Ombudsman Tamta Tepnadze, in order to ensure transparency and public awareness, has presented to press and other media representatives the information about activities provided by the office on the following main topics:

1.      2014 report of the activities of the Consumer Rights Public Defender’s office;
2.      The problems accumulated in the telecommunications market;
3.      Statistics of the consumer complaints and results to the response;
4.      An action plan developed in 2015 in order to protect consumer rights;

During the press-conference, Communications Ombudsman has highlighted important issues such as: planned activities in order to raise public awareness in the field of telecommunications field, quality control of telecommunications services, also, the importance of   informing the audience during the process of digital transition in order to improve consumer protection; focusing on the readiness of the population, on interests of persons with disabilities and other ethnical minorities in regards with the transitioning towards digital broadcasting platform.

World Consumer Rights Day is officially celebrated all around the world since March 15, 1983, although, the history began in 1962, when US President John F. Kennedy presented a speech to the United States Congress in which he extolled four basic consumer rights:

-The right to safety

- The right to be informed

-The right to choose

-The right to be heard


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