April 22, 2015 12:23

No sanctions have been imposed against TV company “GDS”

GNCC didn’t impose any sanctions against TV company “GDS.”

On March 15, 2015, “GDS” aired analytical talk-show “2030,” which has been disrupted by a commercial cut 4 times. In accordance with the Georgian Law “on Broadcasting,” under current law applicable at that time, a program with  duration of more than a half an hour could be cut by commercial three times only. Amendments provided in the Georgian Law “on Broadcasting” in order to regulate commercial advertising came into force on April 1st and above- mentioned restrictions allowing a program with duration of 30 minutes or more to make commercial cuts three times only- were  abolished. The reason was the use of so-called “creeping hours” for the placement of a commercial advertising.

The majority of the Commissioner’s have considered that despite the fact, that “GDS” has indeed violated current legislation that was applicable on March 15th, still, in accordance with the general principle of the law, when amendments provided in the law are aimed to improve one’s liability, imposing sanctions didn’t seem reasonable.

To see the full version of the decision, please visit the Commission’s official page of decisions.


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