September 03, 2008

Notification of the Georgian National Communications Commission



The Georgian National Communications Commission responds to the information regarding the disconnection of the TV company “Kavkasia”.


To scrutinize the case the technical group of the GNCC studied the damaged transmitter of the TV company “Kavkasia”. According to the monitoring results 8 out of 12 power units have been burnt.

The group is studying each unit to determine the possibility of restoration of the damaged transmitter.


The transmitter of decimetric channel 28 of the TV company “Kavkasia” is made in Leningrad and its name is “ONEGA-5”. By means of this transmitter the TV company carries out broadcasting activity since 1994. The transmitter is old, of 5 kw power and has tubes  - “GS-44”, each of them using 2,5 kw-h .The monitoring group of the GNCC supposes that considering the above-mentioned factors the unit will have problems in the future.


In the spring of 2008 the transmitter tube of the TV company “Kavkasia” was burnt. The TV company had no reserve tube and it was impossible to get it in Georgia. Because of this the TV company was disconnected for a certain period. The GNCC was collaborating with the TV company “Kavkasia”to get the tube and transport it to Georgia.


The GNCC will continue collaborating with all TV companies and will help them by all possible means in solving any existing problem.


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