June 23, 2011

Numbering of Fixed Wireless Network Shall Be Changed


The numbering of fixed wireless networks of Magtifix and Silknet shall be changed on June 27, 2011, 01:00.

From June 27 subscribers of mobile networks and fixed local networks in order to make a call to subscribers of Magtifix shall dial the following numbering code: 8-790 XX XX XX and to make a call to subscribers of fixed wireless network of Silknet they shall dial: 8-791 XX XX XX.

Subscribers of fixed wireless networks of Magtifix and Silknet in order to make a call to mobile network shall dial the following number sequence: 8-5XX XX XX XX, and to fixed network, for example to make a call to Tbilisi they shall dial the following number sequence: 8-32 2 XX XX XX.

Subscribers of Magtifix and Siknet in order to connect to each other shall dial: subscribers of Magtifix - 790 XX XX XX and subscribers of Silknet  - 791 XX XX XX.

For more information please contact information services of telecommunication companies on the following numbers:

Magticom subscribers on the phone numbers: (Magti, Bali, Bani and Magtifix)  - 17-00-00; Tbilisi city  – 217-00-00;

Geocell subscribers on the phone numbers: (Geocell and Lai-Lai) -7777; Tbilisi city – 277-01-77;

Beeline subscribers on the following numbers: 0611; Tbilisi – 220-06-11;

Silknet subscribers: Tbilisi, other towns and municipal administrative centers of Georgia - 2-100-100;

Akhali Kselebi and Akhteli subscribers on the phone numbers: Tbilisi-275-75-75; 213-13-13;

Towns: Kutaisi, Zestafoni, Poti - 22-00-00;


Georgian Central Communication Corporation subscribers can dial -508 in Rustavi.


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