January 09, 2020 15:33

Obiektivi Sanctioned for Broadcasting Programmes in Russian Language

The Georgian National Communications Commission issued Media Union Obiektivi with a warning for broadcasting programmes in Russian language, and instructed it to immediately remove the programmes in question from the broadcasting schedule.

The case concerns political shows “Kvelas Gasagonad” (‘For Everyone to Hear’) and “Неделя” (‘Week’), which were broadcasted on Obiektivi in Russian language. The programmes in question exceeded the length set by GNCC, as well as being broadcasted in foreign language without subtitles.

According to GNCC’s resolution and the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting, authorised broadcasters may show programmes in foreign language if their length does not exceed 10% of the total daily broadcasting time. If the programme in question is shown during prime time, then its length may not exceed 10% of the total prime time period. The broadcaster must also provide subtitles in Georgian language for any such programmes.

Therefore, by broadcasting the aforementioned political shows, Media Union Obiektivi violated the legislation and was issued with a warning and instructions to immediately remove the programmes in question from the broadcasting schedule.


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