June 03, 2021 17:10

Obieqtivi Fined GEL 2500 for Broadcasting Violence

The Communications Commission has fined NNLE Media Union Obieqtivi GEL 2500 for broadcasting a programme unsuitable for minors. The case concerns the programme “Studio N8,” which was aired on 23 April and included scenes depicting torture and rape. As the programme was aired between 23:00 and 23:05, the company violated the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting, which prohibits broadcasting of graphic violence and other scenes that are unsuitable for persons under 18 years of age between 06:00 and 24:00.

The Georgian legislation obliges broadcasters to follow the criteria that determine the appropriate category for each programme, and to broadcast programmes in accordance with the time limits set by the law.

Due to the fact that NNLE Media Union Obieqtivi had not been sanctioned for a similar offence during the previous year, the Communications Commission fined the broadcaster GEL 2500.


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