December 11, 2019 16:54

Parliament re-elects Kakha Bekauri as member of the Communications Commission

The Parliament of Georgia has re-elected Kakha Bekauri as member of the Communications Commission by a majority vote. Mr. Bekauri will serve a second membership term of six years.

Kakha Bekauri’s first term as member of the Communications Commission is due to expire on 24 January 2020. Mr. Bekauri has been a member of the Commission since 2014, and has been chairing it since 2017.

The parliamentary decree regarding Kakha Bekauri’s appointment as member of the Commission will come into effect on 25 January 2020.

Candidates for membership of the Communications Commission included Kakha Bekauri, Ivane Makharadze and Mariam Sulaberidze.



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