March 28, 2015 17:41

Position of the Chairman Mr.Vakhtang Abashidze in regards with the publication released by IDFI

GNCC is releasing a position of the Chairman of the Commission Mr.Vakhtang Abashidze in regards with IDFI’s publication: 

“The way media interpreted a publication made by IDFI, and the way they painted a picture, it feels like in this early spring almonds and nepotism have started to bloom in the GNCC simultaneously, which of course is wrong and unacceptable assumption.

  • Not even a single person on whom the focused was made, happens to be a relative of mine or of other Commission members’;


  • For some reason, the media has not specified a fact, that almost all of them have been hired in the Commission before the renewal of the Commission members and before the new Chairman was appointed (however, there is nothing illegal here) that is the reality we inherited. At the same time, to clarify, the inheritance is more complicated and goes way far and deeper, which should be also analyzed and taken into consideration;


  • Because we don’t like the heritage and it is necessary to change it – the works for the Commission’s optimization-reorganization are in process, in the nearest future the new structure and staff list will be approved. The reorganization process will be conducted in full compliance with the law and publicity;


  • Because we don’t like the heritage and it needs to be changed, we share IDFI’s recommendations, even more, I, myself was the initiator of the specific proposals few months ago at a meeting of the Anti-Corruption Council, which was attended by representatives of IDFI;


  • Lastly, my apologies to everyone, especially to countless friends and loved ones, whose (also countless) favors in regards with an employment at the Commission, I couldn’t or didn’t take into consideration to these days, and won’t be able to consider in the future as well, unless, a high level of professionalism of their protégés will be proven in the conditions of healthy competition. "

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