October 16, 2015 12:06

“Radio Imedi” was assigned to place a social advertisement

GNCC has reviewed a dispute in regard to the placement of a social advertising between “Radio Imedi” Ltd and "Education Quality Improvement National Center” LEPL, and has assigned “Radio Imedi” to place 12 social ads. 

Commissioned by "Education Quality Improvement National Center” LEPL, “Kedi Studio” Ltd has designed social ads about possibilities to receive a vocational education for kinder garden teacher, accountant, electrician, nurse, guide, pharmacist, beekeeper, restaurant business, hotel manager, web design and has asked “Radio Imedi” for the placement of noted commercials free of charge.

In accordance to sub-paragraph 7(h) of Article 2 of the Georgian law “on Broadcasting,” social advertising is an advertising that promotes public welfare, aims towards achieving charitable goals, towards raising public awareness about important social issues and/or aims to promote positive social behavioral change, that is neither commercial advertising nor election advertising, does not include state or local authority, or an ad about the services rendered by private or public legal entities. In accordance to paragraph I of Article 65 of the current law provided, for the purpose to air, the broadcaster is obligated to devote in 3 hours a total of at least 90 seconds to the presented social advertisement free of charge and without discrimination.

According to “Radio Imedi Ltd, the commercials would advertise services provided by the  State, which is why company has refused “Kedi Studio” to place ads.

After studying an issue, the Commission has considered, that ads designed to promote vocational education possibilities represent ads aimed towards the promotion of a public welfare, towards raising public awareness about important social issues and aim to promote positive social behavioral change and they do not advertise the services of the State.


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