November 26, 2019 11:07

Recommendations regarding the Terms of Access to National Roaming and Mobile Virtual Network Operators

The Communications Commission has published the document “On Recommendations regarding the Terms of Access to National Roaming and Mobile Virtual Network Operators.” The document was prepared as part of the consultation process on devising draft recommendations regarding the terms of access to national roaming and MVNOs. The project is being implemented in accordance with the terms of the state procurement contract signed by the Communications Commission and PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Ltd. on 1 August 2019.   

The purpose of the document is to determine fair and non-discriminatory terms and requirements for access to national roaming and MVNOs, as well as to prepare recommendations for the Communications Commission, on the basis of which additional regulations may be devised in the future.

The document will initially be published in English language, with the Georgian language version being released within the next few days.

Comments regarding the consultation document can be submitted to the Communications Commission via e-mail ( by 10 December 2019.


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