October 01, 2019 16:05

Recommended Quality Indicators for Mobile Communications Services

To evaluate the quality of mobile communications services, the Communications Commission has published a document on the recommended quality indicators for such services. The consultation document proposes methodology, as well as indicators.

According to the BEREC Preliminary Report in View of a Common Position on Monitoring Mobile Coverage (BoR (17) 186, 6 October 2017), there are various methods for measuring the quality of mobile coverage. Furthermore, based on international practice, there are different methods for obtaining information about mobile coverage in the form of figures and maps.

Having studied the international practices, the Communications Commission has devised the methodology and recommended indicators for monitoring wireless cellular networks in Georgia. The Commission is publishing the relevant document for consultation purposes. 

Comments regarding the consultation document can be submitted to the Communications Commission via e-mail (post@gncc.ge) by 18 October 2019.


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