June 03, 2015 19:43

GNCC responds to the statement released by Tamar Chergoleishvili - head of Civic Education Foundation (Tabula TV)

GNCC responds to the statement released by Tamar Chergoleishvili - head of the Civic Education Foundation (Tabula TV).

TV Company “Tabula,” on May 13, 2015, in accordance with the Georgian Law “on Broadcasting,” has addressed GNCC for the prior approval to transfer NB91 and NB99 licenses to “Rustavi 2.” During the process of administrative proceedings, the Commission has never requested any other information or to provide additional positions from TV Company “Tabula.” The deadline stipulated by law for the prior approval of license transfer has not been expired yet, while, in accordance with Article 100 of the Administrative Code of Georgia, the Commission has a one-month deadline determined in order to ensure general administrative proceedings.

GNCC has a tight communication with every license and authorization holder on daily basis. Any operator wishing to appeal for an oral explanation is addressing persons employed at the Commission, which is also a direct function of the Commission’s office. The Commission itself is a collegial body and the decisions are being made during public sessions by the majority vote of the Commission members. And yet, as mentioned above, no official statement or decision of the Commission on “Tabulas’s” request has been sent to the TV Company.

As for Tamar Chergoleishvili’s advanced speech in regards to “limiting the freedom of speech and freedom of expression,” and “the Commission’s refusal is a direct attempt to crush different opinion and to take measures against independent media. By itself, obstruction of activities of the free media is what the Commission’s function is to fight against. “- it should be noted, that in accordance with an action plan to ensure the transition into digital broadcasting by the resolution of the Government of Georgia, which has been reflected in the Georgian Law “on Broadcasting,” starting June 17, 2015, the broadcast licensing regime in Georgia will be abolished.  From June 17, 2015, broadcast authorization will be connected to a simpler procedure, which in terms of media pluralism and freedom of expression  will be one of the most notable precedent not only within a region, but on a world-wide scale as well.

It should also be noted, that since broadcasting licenses are about to be repealed starting June 17, and all existing broadcasters will become authorized persons, the motive of “Tabula’s” request in regards to the license transfer is not quite clear for the Commission, however, the Commission will discuss and make a decision related to this issue during the nearest public session.


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