November 12, 2015 20:49

GNCC demands public apology from “Rustavi2” Public Protection Council for spreading deceitful and misleading information that also discredits Commission's reputation

On November 9, 2015, GNCC has released a statement related to the dispute over the ownership of broadcasting company “Rustavi2” aiming to bring to the attention of all parties in dispute possible negative consequences of the current situation. In the Commission’s statement, in particular, it was stated: “the situation created around company’s authorized representatives (when on one hand, based on court ruling, company’s director and all the persons under his power of attorney have their representative authorities suspended, and on other hand, temporary executives registered in the Public Registry do not exercise representative authorities), according to the Commission’s estimation, creates a real threat of interruption or even more – the suspension of broadcaster’s relation with third parties, which, in return, may cause broadcaster’s decommissioning and the failure to comply with the obligations imposed on it by the legislation. Therefore, we are addressing the parties in connection to the dispute over the ownership of broadcasting company “Rustavi2” to take all necessary steps in order for company's management not to be left without an authorized representative during the stages of the trial to avoid the termination of broadcaster's activities.”

On November 11, 2015, “Rustavi2” Public Protection Council has released a statement addressed towards Kibar Khalvashi, where, based on Commission’s above-mentioned statement, the following phrase has been formed: “After GNCC has warned “Rustavi2” in regard to the current management vacuum and has threatened to shut down the channel on November 15, it has become clear, that a company left without management won’t be able to make payments. In such conditions, paralyzed company will be forced to stop broadcasting and break the law.”

The statement of GNCC has been distorted by “Rustavi2” Public Protection Council in such way, that it makes it impossible to find anything in common between above-mentioned 2 quotes and their essence. It is a lie that Commission has threatened to shut down “Rustavi2.”It is a lie that Commission has determined to shut down the channel on November 15 due to non-payment.

The Commission believes, that not one word mentioned in Public Council’s above-noted statement corresponds to the truth, in fact, there is replication of lies, which, on one hand misleads the public in regard to the Commission’s position, and on other hand, damages Commission’s image and business reputation.

The Commission is addressing “Rustavi2” Public Protection Council to publicly apologize to the Commission and to the public for disseminating an incorrect and deceitful information. 


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