May 05, 2016 17:45

Commission’s statement related to the request to limit few foreign broadcasting channels on Georgian territory

The channels indicated in the statement disseminated by NGO’s (1st Channel of Russia, РТР-ПЛАНЕТА, Россия 24, НТВ Мир, TVCI, Россия 1, НТВ, ТНТ, Петербург 5, Звезда, Рен-ТВ, Russia Today) are being spread on Georgian territory by the entities authorized for transit of broadcasting. An entity authorized for transit of broadcasting falls under Commission’s regulation sphere and is obligated to comply with Georgian legislation, including the Commission’s regulation on “Provision of Services and Protection of Consumer Rights in the Sphere of Electronic Communications.” Paragraph h of Article I of the Regulation explains inadmissible production:  production transmitted by means of electronic communications, such as pornography, items featuring especially grave forms of hatred, violence, invading on a person's privacy, as well as slanderous, insulting, violating the principle of presumption of innocence, inaccurate, and other products transmitted in violation of intellectual property rights and the Georgian Legislation; Also, in accordance with Article 56 of the Georgian law “on Broadcasting” any type of war propaganda is prohibited as well as broadcasting of programs containing the apparent and direct hazard of inciting racial, ethnic, religious or other hatred in any form and encouraging discrimination or violence toward any group.

GNCC launches public administrative proceedings against persons authorized or holding a license in the field of broadcasting and electronic communications on its own initiative or based on a third party application or information disseminated by means of media. Each administrative proceeding rises to a particular legal circumstance. In case of the occurrence of the spread of inadmissible production during the transit of above-mentioned broadcasting channels, GNCC expresses its readiness to review and take appropriate action within the power established by the law, including – limitation of re-transmission of relevant broadcasting channels.


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