December 31, 2015 17:15

The cap for the incoming international call termination to Georgia has been significantly changed for the operators holding significant power and the validity has been extended for the next six months

GNCC has increased tariff caps for the incoming international call termination to Georgia (call setup) for the operators holding significant power and has extended the validity for the next six months. The tariffs to enter into force on February 1, 2016.

According to the decision, floor cap for one minute for international incoming calls for the mobile operators holding the significant market power has been defined to total 0.25 US dollar equivalent of the local currency.  For the significant market power operators owning fixed networks, floor cap for one minute for international incoming calls has been defined to total 0.15 US dollar equivalent of the local currency.

As for those authorized entities, who do not represent the operators holding significant market power and provide international telephony services (transit companies), the tariff has been maintained the same, and for the operators owning  wireless (mobile) network floor cap for the international incoming calls to Georgia has been defined to total 0.16 US dollar equivalent of the local currency. As for the operators possessing wired (fixed) network, tariff has totaled to 0.09 US dollar equivalent of the local currency.

The Commission has reached the decision in the scope of public administrative proceedings, in the process of which, the providers of mobile, as well as fixed and international telephone services have been actively involved.


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