April 27, 2012

Satellite Broadcasting License Issued

A license for broadcasting via satellite systems was issued by the Georgian National Communications Commission at the session held today.

In his written request a citizen Vladimer Shengelaia applied for a license for broadcasting via cable network and via terrestrial and orbital satellite systems. The type of the license will be general broadcasting license, geographical area – Georgia and broadcasting duration – 24 hours.

The Commission commenced public administrative proceedings on the basis of Vladimer Shengelaia’s request. However, during the proceedings, the Constitutional Court of Georgia recognized the paragraph of Article of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting which envisaged issuing licenses for broadcasting via cable network as unconstitutional by the Decision N1/1/468 of April 11, 2012.  The Commission was not already empowered to issue the license for broadcasting via cable network.

That is why the citizen Vladimer Shengelaia received only license for broadcasting via satellite systems, the type of which shall be general broadcasting, geographical area – Georgia and broadcasting duration – 24 hours. Pursuant to the terms of the license the date of starting broadcasting is determined within four months after issuing the license.

For the complete version of the Decision, please visit the page of Decisions on the Commission’s website.


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