May 10, 2016 10:54

License validity terms for the use of radio frequency spectrum have been extended to “Silknet” JSC and “Silk LTE” Ltd

In accordance with the decision of GNCC, license validity terms for the use of radio frequency spectrum have been extended to “Silknet” JSC and “Silk LTE” Ltd.

The validity term of №F48 license of “Silknet” JSC for the use of radio frequency spectrum has been extended from May 5, 2016 until May 5, 2026. In accordance with Commission’s pre-defined payment plan, company has to make a payment fee for the use of a license in the amount of 331 007, 21 GEL to the State Budget of Georgia before December 15, 2016.

The validity term of №F6 license of “Silk LTE” Ltd for the use of radio frequency spectrum has been extended from May 5, 2016 until May 5, 2026.The company has to pay a license usage fee pre-defined by the Commission to the State Budget of Georgia in the amount of  207 690, 80 GEL before December 15, 2016.


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