October 03, 2014

Statement of the Commission


GNCC releases official statement concerning the placement of illegal content through Internet:

In compliance with regulations of the Commission on “Consumer Protection and Service Standards in Electronic Communications Field” It is prohibited to place pornography or any type of illegal content through Internet.

Within a scope of the regulation, Internet provider is obligated to adopt a specific mechanism that will enable to cancel or disconnect the service in case the placement of illegal content is revealed. At the same time, the Internet domain provider (Ltd Caucaus Online) is obligated to permanently check the registered content of the web site to avoid the placement of the products containing illegal content.

The violation of the Commission’s regulations on “ Consumer Protection and Service Standards in Electronic Communications Field” is subjected for sanctioning.

Regarding the placement of pornography through Internet, in compliance with the “ Convention on the Rights of the Child,“ Georgia has ratified additional protocol on “The sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography” that makes the illegal production, placement and distribution of pornography or of any other type of illegal material punishable pursuant to article 255 of the Penal Code of Georgia.

It should be noted that the specifics of the case are not yet known to GNCC. The commission will study the case and will take the measures envisaged by the legislation.



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