December 14, 2011

Statement of the Commission


The Georgian National Communications Commission responds to the report on the Georgian advertising market released by the Transparency International -Georgia. The report refers to the advertising market in Georgia, as well as the salary of the Chairman of the Georgian National Communications Commission- Irakli Chikovani.

We would like to explain that the Georgian National Communications Commission started activities in 2000, July 1st and the coefficient of employee pay of the Chairman has not been changed ever since.

The study analyses the issue of conflict of interests. According to the authors, Irakli Chikovani is facing conflict of interests at the current position since he is the 35 % shareholder of Magi Style Media. The Georgian National Communications Commission has repeatedly given an explanation for this. Once more we state that the company Magi Style Media does not carry out activities in the field regulated by the Commission. The company produces and places advertising. In accordance with the Georgian legislation the production and placement of advertising is not regulated by the Georgian National Communications Commission.

The Commission regulates electronic communications and broadcasting spheres. Accordingly, it is improper to claim that Irakli Chikovani has direct or indirect economic interest in the field regulated by the Commission. Besides, the issue i.e. conflict of interests was explored before appointment of Irakli Chikovani.


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